This is the first time in my entire adult life that I haven’t had to work for a living. After 36 years as an educator, I officially retired as of January 1st, 2022. Woo Hoo! While I certainly miss colleagues and students, I’m looking forward to the next chapter with great anticipation. This adjustment to retirement has been fairly smooth despite a bought of COVID with brain fog. I’ve also been checking off a few long-neglected household projects. Of course, my project list included more time to sew, quilt, try new recipes, muse and perhaps exercise. I also imagined frequent traveling. In reality, but there don’t seem to be enough hours in the day to accomplish all these things. Imagine that!?!
I’m currently repurposing my Seminole style wall hanging and decided to convert it to a tote bag. After all, I’m running out of wall space. Seminole piecing has always intrigued me. The technique of strategic sewing and re-cutting provide endless opportunities for design. Now, I can make use of that patchwork while it helps carry even more sewing supplies.
I’ve also long admired the exquisite impressionist patchwork of Joy Saville, whose daughter suggested that she “just keep cutting … up (Seminole) patchwork”. So I thought I’d give it a try and “kept cutting up” some orphan patchwork blocks too. The result was unpredictable but very exciting! Take a look!